A Pathway to a Sustainable Clean Hydrogen,
A Global Journey of Innovation
Main Speakers
Governor of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
OH Young HunGovernor of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
President, Korea Institute of Energy Research
YI Chang-KeunPresident, Korea Institute of Energy Research
Korea Energy Agency President
Sannghoon LeeKorea Energy Agency President
Science Communicator
KIM Jaehyeok (Orbit)Science Communicator
Expert Advisor on International Relations, Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth
KIM HongjinExpert Advisor on International Relations, Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth
CEO, 60 Hertz
KIM Jong KyuCEO, 60 Hertz
CEO, Newtonne
RYU Kwang NamCEO, Newtonne
Deputy Ambassador of Great Britain to the ROK
Gareth WEIRDeputy Ambassador of Great Britain to the ROK
Ambassador for International Relations, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
KO YunjuAmbassador for International Relations, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Ambassador of Kingdom of Norway to the ROK
Anne Kari H. OVINDAmbassador of Kingdom of Norway to the ROK
Ambassador of Republic of India to the ROK
Amit KUMARAmbassador of Republic of India to the ROK
Deputy Head of Mission of Kingdom of the Netherlands to the ROK
Onny JALINKDeputy Head of Mission of Kingdom of the Netherlands to the ROK
President & Founder, Global America Business Institute
Florence LOWE-LEEPresident & Founder, Global America Business Institute
Ambassador of Kingdom of Denmark to the ROK
Svend OLLINGAmbassador of Kingdom of Denmark to the ROK
Co-chairperson, Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth
KIM Sang-HyupCo-chairperson, Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth
Senior Vice President, Hyundai Motor Company
KIM DongwookSenior Vice President, Hyundai Motor Company
Co-Founder & CEO, TES-H2
Marco ALVERACo-Founder & CEO, TES-H2
Member of the National Assembly of the ROK
LEE JongbaeMember of the National Assembly of the ROK
Member of the National Assembly of the ROK
JUNG TaehoMember of the National Assembly of the ROK
Managing Editor, Jeju MBC
SONG Won IlManaging Editor, Jeju MBC
CEO, Eneridea
KIM Hee JipCEO, Eneridea
Deputy Director, Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory
James F. MILLERDeputy Director, Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Vice Minister for Energy Industry, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the ROK
CHOE NamhoVice Minister for Energy Industry, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the ROK
Head of Offshore Development & Country Manager, RWE Renewables Korea
David E. JONESHead of Offshore Development & Country Manager, RWE Renewables Korea
Managing Director & Partner, Boston Consulting Group
Rina SUManaging Director & Partner, Boston Consulting Group
Associate Professor, Seoul National University
KANG Sang GyuAssociate Professor, Seoul National University
Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
KIM Yang GyunSenior Researcher, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
Manager, KEPCO KDN
SUNG Kyung IlManager, KEPCO KDN
Chief of Hydrogen Energy Research Department, Korea Institute of Energy Research
KANG Kyung SooChief of Hydrogen Energy Research Department, Korea Institute of Energy Research
Director for Hydrogen·Fuel Cell Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
JANG Jong HyunDirector for Hydrogen·Fuel Cell Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Professor, Korea Institute of Energy Technology
KIM ChangheeProfessor, Korea Institute of Energy Technology
Branch Manager, HyAxiom Korea Office
OH Sung JinBranch Manager, HyAxiom Korea Office
Professor, University of Hawai’i
Samir Kumar KHANALProfessor, University of Hawai’i
Professor, Yonsei University
KIM Sang HyounProfessor, Yonsei University
Senior Advisor, Lee & Ko
LEE TaehoSenior Advisor, Lee & Ko
Office Director and Energy Attache, U.S. Department of Energy
Jennifer WOLINOffice Director and Energy Attache, U.S. Department of Energy
Head of Innovation, Technology and Science, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Peter WIJLHUIZENHead of Innovation, Technology and Science, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Senior Commercial Officer, Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark
PARK Eui ChinSenior Commercial Officer, Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark
Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
KIM Yong MinSenior Researcher, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Research Fellow, POSCO
JUNG Hwan GyoResearch Fellow, POSCO
Executive Director, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
CHOI Byung IlExecutive Director, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
Global Affairs Unit Chief of Economic Section, U.S. Embassy Seoul
LEE Boo YeonGlobal Affairs Unit Chief of Economic Section, U.S. Embassy Seoul
Researcher, ISD / Professor, GSES Seoul National University
KIM In HwanResearcher, ISD / Professor, GSES Seoul National University
CEO, Charzin
Young Suk CHOICEO, Charzin
Vice President, Encored Technologies, Inc.
LEE Hyo SeopVice President, Encored Technologies, Inc.
Deputy General Manager, Korea Power Exchange
LEE Sung WooDeputy General Manager, Korea Power Exchange
Chief Manager, Hyundai Engineering & Construction
Caleb INChief Manager, Hyundai Engineering & Construction
Professor, Jeju National University
CHOI SooseokProfessor, Jeju National University
Professor, Hanyang University
WON Jang MookProfessor, Hanyang University
President, Gridwiz
RYU June WooPresident, Gridwiz
Professor, University of Ulsan
LIM Ock TaeckProfessor, University of Ulsan
Manager, Hyundai Motor Company
JANG Yoon HoManager, Hyundai Motor Company
Director, Doosan Bobcat
KIM Kyu SeungDirector, Doosan Bobcat
Hydrogen Mobility Development Team Leader, Hyundai Rotem
KIM Myung HanHydrogen Mobility Development Team Leader, Hyundai Rotem
Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany to the ROK
Georg W. SCHMIDTAmbassador of Federal Republic of Germany to the ROK
Researcher, Korea Institute of Energy Research
KO Hee-sangResearcher, Korea Institute of Energy Research
CEO, 60 Hertz
KIM Jong KyuCEO, 60 Hertz
CEO, Doribottle
CHO Ji YeonCEO, Doribottle
Director of New Geographies, OWC
David WOTHERSPOONDirector of New Geographies, OWC
Head of Hydrogen Energy Division, Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning
AHN Jong-DeukHead of Hydrogen Energy Division, Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning
President, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
LEE Sang-MokPresident, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
CEO, Korea Southern Power
LEE Seung WooCEO, Korea Southern Power
CEO, Vinssen
LEE Chil HanCEO, Vinssen
CCO, Proton Ventures
Paul COXCCO, Proton Ventures
President, Korea Transportation Safety Authority
KWON Yong-bokPresident, Korea Transportation Safety Authority
Executive Director, Gas Technology, Korea Gas Safety Corporation
PARK Hee JoonExecutive Director, Gas Technology, Korea Gas Safety Corporation
President, Korea Gas Technology Corporation
JIN Su NamPresident, Korea Gas Technology Corporation
Vice President, Korea Automotive Technology Institute
KOO Young-moVice President, Korea Automotive Technology Institute
Vice President, Korea Energy Economics Institute
SHIM Sung HeeVice President, Korea Energy Economics Institute
President, Jeju Research Institute
YANG Duk-SoonPresident, Jeju Research Institute
General Manager, H2Korea
HAN Sang MiGeneral Manager, H2Korea
Senior Director, Danfoss Korea
KIM Dae HoonSenior Director, Danfoss Korea
Chief of Convergence Research Center of SCI, Korea Institute of Energy Research
JEONG NamjoChief of Convergence Research Center of SCI, Korea Institute of Energy Research
Head of Energy Industry Division, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
MOON Yong HyuckHead of Energy Industry Division, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
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